Day 1:
We left to Florida on a saturday very early in the morning.We dropped off Charlie with his trainer the day before. We had a layover in New Mexico , and found some time to take pictures. We were so surprised about the size of the airport, it was tiny! ( Maybe because they have a huge statue and that takes up lots of space ).
Day 2:
In the morning we hung out with Margreta, Seth, Max, Sam, and the parents. Sunday was a little cloudy so we rented a pedal boat and went for a ride and enjoyed the resort. That afternoon Annica and Mitchell arrived. Sunday night's menu was the famous Swedish Meatballs. We invited my mom's best friend Raquel, and her daughter Bianca, that live in Florida for dinner. I haven't seen her for a very long time and never met her daughter, so it was very nice to have them over, hang out with them and catch up. I felt like visiting one of my aunts since she knows my mom from Peru and were friends since middle school. We had a nice dinner and an awesome time.
In the morning we hung out with Margreta, Seth, Max, Sam, and the parents. Sunday was a little cloudy so we rented a pedal boat and went for a ride and enjoyed the resort. That afternoon Annica and Mitchell arrived. Sunday night's menu was the famous Swedish Meatballs. We invited my mom's best friend Raquel, and her daughter Bianca, that live in Florida for dinner. I haven't seen her for a very long time and never met her daughter, so it was very nice to have them over, hang out with them and catch up. I felt like visiting one of my aunts since she knows my mom from Peru and were friends since middle school. We had a nice dinner and an awesome time.
Monday was one of our highlights of the week. We took Max and Sam to Gatorland along with Nils' parents. Unfortunatly Margreta wasn't feeling too well so she stayed in the resort while Seth and the Burns went golfing. When we first got to the park, Nils thought it would be fun for to take a picture sitting on top of an alligator but later on asked Max if he would want to do that and he said yes, so Nils let him do it. We had a great time at the park and got a chance to get to know Max and Sam a little better, they are both such a cute boys and made us wish we could see them more often.
After Max had his fill of riding alligators we headed home and it was perfect timing because it started rainning really hard.
That night Nils and I were in charge of making dinner for the gang, and since I'm now an expert at cooking peruvian food we decided to share one of Nils' favorite dish "lomo saltado". Somehow, we managed to cook for 8 people and had some left overs. Everyone loved the dish, and it made me feel very good about my abilities of cooking for a large group of people, and of course thanks to Nils' help I was able to pull it off. That evening the rest of the group arrived--Tore, Tiffany, Liv, Ella, Beckett, Lennart and Amie.
Day 4:
On tuesday we spent most of the day at the pool. We got all the kids and most of the adults in the pool and had a blast. This was definitly Nils' favorite day, he got to relax at the pool and play with all of the nephews and nieces. Seth bought a couple of inflatable toys for the pool and they were a success for all the kids, they were very happy. That was a perfect day for all of us, we had lots of fun by the pool enjoying each other's company.
That afternoon they had a short alligator show at the resort we stayed at, so we decided to go check it out with Tore, Tiffany and their kids. Liv and Ella got to pet a snake and an alligator while Beckett spent some play time with Sam by the kid fountain. At night we all went out to have dinner and surprise Mom for her birthday. There were 17 of us (12 adults and 5 children), so luckily Margreta scored us a huge, private room for the occasion. Of course Mom had no idea about this, so when Lennart started telling her why we all were there she shed some happy tears, and I think I did too. It made me so happy to see her so happy. We all had a very good time celebrating her, she is such an amazing mom and woman and the sweetest and kindness mother in law anyone could ever ask for.
On tuesday we spent most of the day at the pool. We got all the kids and most of the adults in the pool and had a blast. This was definitly Nils' favorite day, he got to relax at the pool and play with all of the nephews and nieces. Seth bought a couple of inflatable toys for the pool and they were a success for all the kids, they were very happy. That was a perfect day for all of us, we had lots of fun by the pool enjoying each other's company.
That afternoon they had a short alligator show at the resort we stayed at, so we decided to go check it out with Tore, Tiffany and their kids. Liv and Ella got to pet a snake and an alligator while Beckett spent some play time with Sam by the kid fountain. At night we all went out to have dinner and surprise Mom for her birthday. There were 17 of us (12 adults and 5 children), so luckily Margreta scored us a huge, private room for the occasion. Of course Mom had no idea about this, so when Lennart started telling her why we all were there she shed some happy tears, and I think I did too. It made me so happy to see her so happy. We all had a very good time celebrating her, she is such an amazing mom and woman and the sweetest and kindness mother in law anyone could ever ask for.
This was the day we took our family pictures really early in the morning. We were very excited to take pictures with everybody and can't wait to see how they turn out. Right after taking the family pictures we hurried to change into some comfortable clothes and go to Magic Kidndom. I was looking forward to this day. I love everything about Disney, so it was a dream come true to go to Disneyworld and wander around. We spent the whole day there and had so much fun with the kids.

Day 6: Thanksgiving Day
On Thursday morning we woke up and headed to the pool to have another nice day by the pool. The weather was very nice, it was 83 degrees and it was just perfect.
Around 7 we all got together at the master suite for an amazing Thanksgiving meal. Margreta ordered all the food from William & Sonoma and it was delicious.

Right after having dinner we decided to put all the kids in one of the rooms so they could watch a movie while the adults gathered together for the Decade Party. We started by watching a video of the first Decade Party 20 years ago and then the one from 10 years ago.
The big tradition is to create a time capsule where everyone in the family puts in something special that has meaning to them from the past year or so. Then the time capsule is sealed until the next Decade Party. It was fun to see what everyone put in the old time capsules.After going through the old time capsules, we went around and let everyone explain their additions for the new Time Capsule.
Nils and I put some of the shells from the beach where Nils proposed to me and Charlie's tooth.
Then, we meet up for some surprisingly tasty barbeque lunch. After getting some food, Nils and I went to play some games while the other Sundelins went to a Sesame Street show. I rocked at playing carnival games--I won 4 stuffed animals and Nils only won one. Then we met up with the rest of the group at the dolphin show and enjoyed the new show. I really wanted to go feed the dolphins so right after the show we went to the dolphin pool, but unfortunatly it was closed. We still went to see them and I was super close to almost petting one, but it was just not my day : ( Since we didn't have any luck with the Dolphins, Nils thought we should try out luck with the stingrays, so we headed over to check them out. To feed them you have to hold a little fish between your fingers and let them swim over and eat it. It felt REALLY weird, almost felt like a vacuum sucking on your hand.
It was starting to get dark so the boys wanted to do a ride with all of us. They thought that riding "Journey to Atlantis" was a good idea but unfortunatly Ella was too small to ride so Tiffany stayed with her while Tore, Liv, Nils and I went on. Liv was pretty scared but she was a good sport about it and we were so proud of her for being so brave. Ella couldn't leave without an adventure of her own, so when she saw a trampoline, she decided she wanted to get on.
We had a very fun day at Sea world, it was really nice to hang out with The Sundelins outside of Washington : )
Then, after we got home we ate some dinner and went to bed. Nils was exhausted, but it was our last night so I convinced him to go to the hot tub with me for a little bit and it turned out to be a great idea because it helped him relax and fall asleep as soon as we went back to the room.
Day 8:
We ate breakfast with the parents and the kids, then they took Tore and his family to the airport while we stayed and finished packing. When the parents came back we got to hang out with them for a little bit longer until it was time for them to drop us off at the airport. And of course when it was time to say goodbye we all (except for Nils) had happy tears. I love my in laws so much they are seriously the best!
Nils and I had so much fun with everybody and I survived hanging out with the whole gang so yay me! And yay for everybody that made it to Florida and for the awesome time we shared together!
Went we finally made it home we picked up Charlie and heard some awesome stories about him. We missed him so very much while we were in Florida and missed his first time in the snow, but fortunatly his dogsitter was nice enough to take a picture for us so we could see how much fun he had.
On Thursday morning we woke up and headed to the pool to have another nice day by the pool. The weather was very nice, it was 83 degrees and it was just perfect.
Nils and I put some of the shells from the beach where Nils proposed to me and Charlie's tooth.
Day 7:
We had Swedish pancakes for breakfast. This was a sad day since most of the family headed home. Lennart and Amy left at 4am, Margreta, Seth and the boys left at noon and Annica and Mitchel took off in the afternoon. So, Tore, Tiffany, the girls and us decided to go to Sea World, another of my favorite parks, while Beckett spent some quality time with the grandparents. I was very excited to go see the new baby Shamu that was just born two months ago at this Sea World, but, Nils and Tore were more excited about the roller coasters. So Tiffany, me and the girls went to see the Shamu show while the boys went to enjoy the rides.
We had Swedish pancakes for breakfast. This was a sad day since most of the family headed home. Lennart and Amy left at 4am, Margreta, Seth and the boys left at noon and Annica and Mitchel took off in the afternoon. So, Tore, Tiffany, the girls and us decided to go to Sea World, another of my favorite parks, while Beckett spent some quality time with the grandparents. I was very excited to go see the new baby Shamu that was just born two months ago at this Sea World, but, Nils and Tore were more excited about the roller coasters. So Tiffany, me and the girls went to see the Shamu show while the boys went to enjoy the rides.
Day 8:
We ate breakfast with the parents and the kids, then they took Tore and his family to the airport while we stayed and finished packing. When the parents came back we got to hang out with them for a little bit longer until it was time for them to drop us off at the airport. And of course when it was time to say goodbye we all (except for Nils) had happy tears. I love my in laws so much they are seriously the best!
Nils and I had so much fun with everybody and I survived hanging out with the whole gang so yay me! And yay for everybody that made it to Florida and for the awesome time we shared together!